march madNESS
unless you went to your local sports bar, it is unlikely that you saw the evolution of basketball as we know it.
last night, i was watching memphis and nevada. nevada is a pretty decent team, with nick fazekas, a center who is destined to enter the league as a career backup. fazekas is decidely weak; he commits silly fouls and lacks a dominant defensive presence. still, his skills in college have parlayed into a potential pro career, as teams are always looking for some sort of big man who can rebound and shoot. whatever.
we shouldn't take away from the memphis tigers, a team that has quickly become one of my favorite teams to watch. they are truly remarkable. here is a team that is 324th in free throw shooting, yet basically doesn't give a damn about that fact, insisting rather to drive to the rim on every possession. periodically, for kicks, of course, they run a play, which generally consists of someone cutting to the basket and getting an open dunk. memphis has apparently decided that putting four guys who can get to the tin at will on the perimeter along with some vigilante badass on the inside is the best course of action. i concur.
apparently memphis has been playing possum with us for awhile; i, along with many others, thought this team wasn't a legit two seed. apparently i should have been looking for paper badgers instead of paper tigers.
now, on to memphis being the future of college basketball. obviously, one reason why memphis is the future is the simple fact that their style of basketball is more fun. what dude wouldn't want to run up and down the floor, knowing that his team wouldn't be constrained to run some stupid offense conceived in the 1950's? don't you think that's what sold half of the mickey-d all americans on ohio state? can you see mike conley running some sort of offense right now? lol! what do you see duke, kansas, louisville, florida, and unc doing? we look at memphis some more, and we see competent ball-handling in every game. at least you can't press this team into oblivion (take note, texas a & m). the revolution will soon be televised all over creation, and i welcome it with open arms.
now, on to the monster disappointments: come on down, texas. you seduced us with kevin durant, but ultimately, we discovered the parallels between durant and t-mac ran deeper than we thought; neither guy could take a team that generally sucks all the way to any meaningful kwan. for reference, check out the magic/pistons playoff series.
were all the carmelo references legit? apparently we all forgot this guy:

hakim, i'm sorry. yes, you were the big east player of the year. yes, you were a first-round pick. yes, you do get 12.4 a night for the griz. and yes, you were the needed vigilante. so let's stop pretending that carmelo was workin' downtown for the minimum wage. not happening.
next up: come on down, duke. i was more shocked to find out that josh mcroberts had never gotten more than 22 in a game before the vcu contest. that guy needs to get his millions before everyone figures out that he kind of sucks in a proficient way. also on the chopping block: the big 10 and the acc. maryland done me wrong, and the alando tucker all-stars couldn't quite get it done against a team that could run an offense and play defense. purdue, b.c., michigan state, and indiana acquitted themselves nicely, in the sense that we all are happy that they were invited to the tournament, whatever that means. it's one of those "keep up the good work, guys."
let's play the over/under game
chris lofton's points against osu: 24
georgetown suffering silly letdown to vandy: 40%
ucla/pitt being an utter debacle to watch: 75%
unlv/oregon being the best game of the sweet 16: 30%
memphis foul shots: 30
southern illinois and butler both being down double digits at the half: 40%
anyone i know caring about unc/usc: 15%
i'm out.
who is your pick to win it all?
honey, it is kansas.
not ohio state?
I just want to know that Mike is wrong. I've been told by certain people that aren't Mike that nobody is allowed to pick Florida... so I'll have to go UCLA here.
Although, Memphis is the dark horse that's really starting to grow on me despite the fact they are a John Callipari coached team of NBA talent that has no discernable plan except to play street ball and be more athletic than the other team. They could pull this off.
When's your Tubby Smith article going to appear? I personally am glad it went down the way it did. Smith didn't deserve to be fired. It takes me back to the Frank Solich debacle... Nebraska immediately became a national powerhouse after he got fired, right? But this would have been much worse because Solich never won a national title. If you were a football school, would you be happy with a national title and 4 or 5 BCS appearances over the span of a decade? Because that's essentially what Tubby Smith accomplished in a basketball sense. Anyway... so that's not good enough for UK. I understand. I think it's a bit crazy - and so did Tubby apparently, so he smartly decided to move instead getting harassed by the fans and administration for another year. And in all fairness to UK fans, these cats had been underachievers. In 2004, Tubby was supposed to have the best recruiting class in the nation (Rondo, Morris, etc.) so you can't claim his inability to recruit doomed him as so many claim since he won his only title with Pitino recruits. In fact (and this is probably just my theory) the push to recruit big names is what probably did him in, in the end since the team had no chemistry and he was dealing with players that he probably didn't like all that much and who didn't fit into his defensive oriented system despite their supposed NBA talent. Remember the Elite Eight team with Boggans and Hayes? Those guys played hard. They weren't considered NBA talent coming in. They are both probably career backups in the NBA. But they were Tubby guys.
But know this UK fans - the Cats will be bad next year. I'm talking NIT. The team is already dysfunctional... who knows who is staying and who is going (either to Minnesota with Smith, which seems unlikely, or trying the NBA - or signing as a free agent...) and UK won't hire a coach until April so that they can pursue Billy Donovan as their first choice. They're going to make Donovan an offer he can't refuse, but I think it's only 50/50 that he'll take it. I'm just not sure UK is his dream job... his only attachment to the school is his time as an assistant and whose to say whether he got attached or not. They'll probably at least make a phone call to Pitino, who will probably respond with a suggestion for who else they might hire as he already has a phat spot in Louisville - with a stacked team coming back and a system already in place.
Don't worry UK. You'll land a big name coach that will more than likely improve things from where Tubby has left it. Just don't expect that to happen next year. And if you're expecting some guarantee of a Championship or Final Four in the next few years, don't hold your breath. You'll pass out long before it happens. Let's start with winning the SEC East again. The way I see it, to achieve greatness, a program can only sustain having an average of less than 2 coaches per decade - otherwise it's too much turmoil and turnover. Think about that before higher the next flash in the pan. And for the love of all that is good, if you hire Rick Barnes, I'm laughing all the way to a U of L 2008 National Championship.
I was just about to post to see when Mike was going to make a Tubby blog entry. You beat me to it.
nobody commented on the over/under, so i will.
memphis... only 21 foul shots... house loses money on that... STRIKE ONE
ucla/pitt... indeed, an utter debacle to watch... close to even money gives me the edge here.
chris lofton... EXACTLY 24 points...
southern illinois... only down three at the break... STRIKE TWO...
unlv/oregon being the best game of the sweet 16... probably not... STRIKE THREE.
And what about Morris signing with the Knicks!?!? This is crazy.
March 23, 2007, Associated Press
NBA free agent Randolph Morris is no longer a free agent after signing a 2 year deal with the New York Knicks worth $1.6 million dollars. Morris had entered the 2005 draft and having gone undrafted has remained an NBA free agent ever since. The NCAA, seemingly unanaware of this fact, has allowed Morris to continue to play for the Kentucky Wildcats despite his ineligibility.
"Yeah, we were all pretty confused when he showed up for summer workouts back in '05, but whatever..." said teammate Ramel Bradely. Bradley added "Wait, are we going to be any good next year?"
It is yet another shrewd move by Isiah Thomas to add to his team's payroll, which already dominates the rest of the NBA. "Well, don't have anyway of bringing in new players since we don't have a draft pick until 2029. Then someone brought to my attention that there was this kid playing college ball that we didn't have to draft... we could just go out and sign him. We expect him to make an immediate contribution. He'll probably play 10-15 minutes a game in support of Eddy Curry." When asked why Morris was not signed earlier, given that Knicks are making a push for the playoffs, Thomas replies, "We know that might hurt UK, so we decided to stay classy and let him finish the season. Besides, the East is pretty terrible. We decided we could wait for a few more weeks without slipping out of the playoff race." When asked if he had anything else to add, Thomas said, "Does anyone know if this Oden guy is a free agent? This a lot easier than having to draft people."
When asked to comment about the situation, Morris' former coach and current University of Minnesota head coach, Tubby Smith said, "There's not much to say. Although I do appreciate him waiting until I had left the state. I may not have gotten out alive if he had signed during the season."
Morris averaged 16 points and 8 rebounds a game for UK during college season. He should be available for the Knicks game against the Orlando Magic on Monday.
my dubious choice of kansas explodes on me today.
really, i knew this pick was doomed after watching the jayhawks play southern illinois. rock, chalk, no dice.
here is a more interesting question: if florida plays ucla in the final four, do people watch out of sheer hatred?
billy donovan is gonna make the serious bling.
randolph morris- playoff difference maker? you be the judge.
isiah thomas also said something to the effect of this: "morris is a proven difference maker along the lines of david lee and renaldo balkman. as knicks gm, it is my duty to ensure we have as much talent at the same position as possible; for example, consider my point guard scenario: it was i who brought in steve francis despite having crawford, marbury, and nate robinson. i knew that we would eventually need more depth at that position; small forward was screwed anyway."
thomas also added: "morris already rebounds better than eddy curry, and he has more than one post move, which puts him ahead of renaldo in the rotation."
Oden v. Hibbert! Oden v. Hibbert! ODEN v. HIBBERT!!!!!!!
Final Four Awards
Best Coach - JT3
Best Team - Florida
Most Talent - Ohio State
Most Overlooked Team - UCLA (East coast bias anyone?)
Most Overrated Team - Ohio State
Best Subplot - Oden finally facing someon with the size to defend him (but not the quickness)
Lease overlooked player that people claim is overlooked - Jeff Green
Angriest looking coach - Ben Howland
Subplot we're already tired of - Billy Donovan
Easiest game to write a bunch of hackneyed cliches about - Florida v. Ohio State
The "Does defense really win championships?" award - UCLA
Best Offense - Princeton
Worst Offense - "Stand around and jack up a shot" State
Best Defense - UCLA
Worst Defense - Georgetown?
Reason why UCLA will lose - Too much reliance on Afflalo
Reason why UCLA will win - They have a point guard
Reason why Georgetown will lose - Too much not enough
Reason why Georgetown will win - They have a system
Reason why Ohio State will lose - Too young
Reason why Ohio State will win - They have the youngsters (Do you think Oden ever gets carded trying to buy liquor?)
Reason why Florida will lose - Too hard to repeat
Reason why Florida will win - They have everything
You should start a contest called, "Spot the Arcade Fire reference in Mike's Blog." First person to find the reference wins... well, I don't know.
Sorry... it's just that the workin' downtown for minimum wage reference just hit me.
That is all.
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